Campaign Manager - Creative Builder

Importing A HTML File

Click Import to import a HTML file.


  1. Click the Import button.
  2. Select one of the following options:
    • HTML Page from My Computer
    • HTML Page from another Creative
    • HTML Page from the Web at:

HTML Page from My Computer

  1. Click OK.
  2. Search for the HTML page by clicking the Select button next to The HTML page you would like to import.
Note: Only one HTML page can be uploaded per content.
  1. Search for the images by clicking the Select button next to Images or other linked file(s) associated with this page.
  2. Check the Expand any zip Files selected and use the files inside check box to unzip any imported zip files.
  3. Click Upload.

The content processor will be displayed where you can map variables and events.

HTML Page from another Creative

  1. Click OK.
  2. In the Document Explorer search for the creative that contains the content whose HTML you wish to import.

Once the creative has been selected a content list will appear in the content pane.

  1. Select the relevant content and click Import.

The content processor will be displayed where you can map variables and events.

HTML Page from the web

  1. Insert the web address in the box underneath.
  2. Check the Upload images locally check box to save any images locally.
  3. Click OK.

The content processor will be displayed where you can map variables and events.

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